anja lehmann
sweet coding
Anja is the coding queen and responsible for all technical aspects of our projects. With over 8 years of experience Anja has the ability to look beyond just a plain line of code. Paired with her good eye for design details, she is your go-to girl when it comes to making the pretty stuff work on all standard platforms.
True to her coding title, she can whip up a masterpiece but likes the internet to be clean and sleek – a little like her kitchen after one of her baking frenzies, or her mountain bike after a trip to the woods, or her pockets after hanging out at the beach, or … you probably get the idea.
teresa schebiella
happy coloring
If you need something to look great Teresa is the one who walks the visual walk. For over 10 years she has successfully worked in the intangible world of shapes, colours and typography. Whether it be your logo, your website or wallpaper, you name it – she makes sure it’s gonna be original and dynamic.
Operating globally, she’s hopped from Dresden to Sydney to Berlin to Hong Kong; the travel bug keeps her on her toes. Luckily the busy lifestyle goes well with her energetic character. Don’t think however that she’s not a fan of a decent chill out … preferably with a good coffee, a board to ride on, a great movie or anything where lots of sunshine is involved.
Just to be clear, it’s not always just the two of us. Depending on the project scope we enjoy working with a whole bunch of super-talented individuals. Marketing pros, copywriters, SEO experts, photographers, motion designers, typographers and illustrators are just a few of the highly skilled networks we can draw on.
All of them are freelancers like us, and have proven to be awesome at what they do. And not just that – they all are really great people and fun to work with – which combined leads to the best results.
With projects where mostly in-house koenixkinder staff are involved, we always try to keep communication direct and clear to avoid misunderstandings and lost information. Now go and try that with one of the bigger players out there.
This structure also helps us to minimize costs for you, as the only thing you pay for is the actual work we do. We don’t have a fancy receptionist nor a coffee boy (although we wouldn’t mind one) and everyone does their own paperwork. We even do our own dishes! Your budget will be delighted.